Mittens for the Whole Family


Mittens for the Whole Family

With some fun yarn colors, you can make Mittens for the Whole Family!  This collection of handmade mittens from Red Heart Yarn makes a pair for dad, mom, and a little one!  This set would be a great gift for a new family or a fun craft to do when the nights are cold!

Mittens for the Whole Family


16 Free Knitting Patterns for Mittens

Find this project and other patterns for fingerless gloves in our roundup of 16 Free Knitting Patterns for Mittens.



  • RED HEART® “Super Saver®”: 1 skein each 624 Tea Leaf A, 964 Primary B, and 319 Cherry Red C
  • Double Pointed Knitting Needles: 3.5 mm [US 4] and 3.75 mm [US 5]
  • 3 Stitch markers
  • Small stitch holder
  • Yarn needle

GAUGE: 18 sts = 4”; 28 Rounds = 4” in Stockinette stitch.  CHECK YOUR GAUGE. Use any size needle to obtain the gauge.
Special Abbreviation
M1 (make one stitch) = Lift running thread before next stitch onto left needle and knit into the back loop.

ABBREVIATIONS: A, B, C, = color A, B, C; k = knit; k2tog = knit next two sts together; mm = millimeters; p = purl; St st = Stockinette stitch (knit every round); st(s) = stitch(es); * or ** = repeat whatever follows the * or ** as indicated; [ ] = work directions in brackets the number of times specified


Mittens Sized for Children (Women, Men).
Directions are for smallest size; changes for larger sizes are in parentheses.
Hand Circumference: 5½ (7¾, 9½)”
Length from wrist to fingertips: 6 (10½, 12)”
Stripe Sequence
Children’s Version: * 3 Rounds B, 2 Rounds A; repeat from *.
Women’s Version: * 3 Rounds A, 2 Rounds C; repeat from *.

MITTENS (make 2):

Cuff Ribbing:

  1. With smaller needles and A (C, C), cast on 24 (36, 44) sts.
  2. Divide evenly among 3 dpns, place marker for beginning of round and join being careful not to twist sts.
  3. Round 1: * K2, p2; repeat from * around . Repeat Round 1 for 1¾ (3, 3½)”.

Begin Pattern:

  1. Change to larger needles, begin St st, and k1 (1, 0) round even.
  2. For children’s and women’s sizes only:  Join B (A), and begin Stripe sequence.
  3. For all sizes:  Work even until piece measures 2¼ (4½, 5)” from beginning.

Thumb Gusset:

  1. Round 1: K11 (17, 21), place marker, k1, M1, k1, place marker, k to end–25 (37, 45) sts.
  2. Round 2 and all even rounds: Knit even.
  3. Round 3: K11 (17, 21), M1, k3, M1, k to end–27 (39, 47) sts.
  4. Round 5: K11 (17, 21), M1, k5, M1, k to end–29 (41, 49) sts.
  5. Round 7: K11 (17, 21), M1, k7, M1, k to end–31 (43, 51) sts.

For women’s and men’s sizes only:

  1. Round 9: K17 (21), M1, k9, M1, k to end–45 (53) sts.
  2. Round 11: K17 (21), M1, k11, M1, k to end–47 (55) sts.
  3. Round 13: K17 (21), M1, k13, M1, k to end–49 (57) sts.

For men’s size only:

  1. Round 15: K21, M1, k15, M1, k to end–59 sts.


For all sizes:

  1. Next Round: K11 (17, 21), place next 9 (15, 17) sts on holder for thumb, cast on 2 (1, 0) sts, k to end–24 (35, 42) sts. Work even in pattern as established until piece measures 5 (9 10½)” from beginning.

For children’s and women’s sizes only:

  1. End with round 3 of B (A), and continue in A (C) only.

Shape Mitten Top:

For all sizes:

  1. Round 1 and all odd rounds: Knit even.
  2. Round 2: * K4 (5, 5), k2tog; repeat from * around–20 (30, 36) sts.
  3. Round 4: * K3 (4, 4), k2tog; repeat from * around–16 (25, 30) sts.
  4. Round 6: * K2 (3, 3), k2tog; repeat from * around–12 (20, 24) sts.

For children’s size only:

  1. Round 7: * K1, k2tog; repeat from * around–8 sts.
  2. Round 8: * K2tog; repeat from * around–4 sts.

For women’s and men’s sizes only:

  1. Round 8: * K2, k2tog; repeat from * around–15 (18) sts.
  2. Round 10: * K1, k2tog; repeat from * around–10 (12) sts.
  3. Round 12: * K2tog; repeat from * around–5 (6) sts.

For all sizes:

  1. Cut yarn, leaving a 6” tail. Thread through remaining sts, pull tightly to secure.


  1. Divide 9 (15, 17) sts from holder onto 3 dpns. Continue in pattern as established and work 1 round even, picking up 1 st between hand and thumb at end of row–10 (16, 18) sts. Work even until thumb measures ¾ (1½, 1¾)”.

For children’s size only:

  1. Round 1: K1, k2tog, k2, k2tog, k1, k2tog–7 sts.
  2. Round 2: Knit even.
  3. Round 3: K2tog, k1, k2tog, k2tog–4sts.

For women’s size only:

  1. Round 1: * K2, k2tog; repeat from * around–12 sts.
  2. Rounds 2 and 4: Knit even.
  3. Round 3: * K1, k2tog; repeat from * around–8 sts.
  4. Round 5: * K2tog; repeat from * around–4 sts.

For men’s size only:

  1. Round 1: [K2, k2tog, k1, k2tog] 2 times, k2, k2tog–13 sts.
  2. Rounds 2 and 4: Knit even.
  3. Round 3: [K1, k2tog, k2tog] 2 times, k1, k2tog–8 sts.
  4. Round 5: * K2tog; repeat from * around–4 sts.

For all sizes:

  1. Cut yarn leaving a 6” tail. Thread through remaining sts, pull tightly to secure.
  2. Weave in yarn ends.


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However, this pattern is similar to a pattern I've used for years that I love.


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